Diane di Prima Bibliography
Revolutionary Letters by Diane di Prima
Diane di Prima, active from the 1950s through the early 2000s wrote 100s of books, reviews, plays, and lectures. She gave many readings, taught several classes, and was a crucial member of the mimeograph revolution.
This will serve as the beginning notes toward a bibliography of her work.
Her signature is often sought after by serious collectors.
Here is a signed copy of Loba, Part 1 published by Noel Young of Capra Press in collaboration with Robert Durand of Yes! Press.
This Kind of Bird Flies Backward, Totem Press, New York, 1958
Various Fables from Various Places, (editor), G.P. Putnam, New York, 1960
Dinners and Nightmares, Corinth Press, New York, 1961
The New Handbook of Heaven, Auerhahn Press, San Francisco, 1962
The Man Condemned to Death, (translator), no press listed, New York, 1963
Poets' Vaudeville, Feed Folly Press, New York, 1964
Seven Love Poems from the Middle Latin, Poets Press, 1965
Haiku, Love Press, Topanga, CA, 1966
New Mexico Poem, Poets Press, New York, 1967
Earthsong, Poets Press, New York, 1968
Hotel Albert, Poets Press, New York, 1968
War Poems (editor), Poets Press, New York, 1968
Memoirs of a Beatnik, Olympia Press, Paris and New York, 1969
L.A. Odyssey, Poets Press, San Francisco, 1969
The Book of Hours, Brownstone Press, New York 1970
Kerhonkson Journal, Oyez, Berkeley, 1971
Revolutionary Letters, City Lights Books, San Francisco, 1971, 1974, 1979
The Calculus of Variation, Eidolon Editions, San Francisco, 1972
Loba, Part I, Capra Press, Santa Barbara, 1973
The Floating Bear: a Newsletter (editor), Laurence McGilvery, La Jolla, 1973
Freddie Poems, Eidolon Editions, Point Reyes, 1974
Brass Burnace Going Out, Pulp artforms-Intrepid Press, Buffalo, 1975
Selected Poems: 1956-1975, North Atlantic Books, Plainfield, VT, 1975
Loba, Part II, Eidolon Editions, Point Reyes, 1976
The Loba As Eve, The Phoenix Book Shop, New York, 1977
Selected Poems: 1956-1976, North Atlantic Books, Plainfield, VT 1977
Loba: Parts 1 - 8, [Book I] Wingbow Press, Berkeley, 1978
Memoirs of a Beatnik (revised), Last Gasp Press, San Francisco, 1988
Wyoming Series, Eidolon Editions, San Francisco, 1988
The Mysteries of Vision, Am Here Books, Santa Barbara, 1988
Pieces of a Song: Selected Poems, City Lights Books, San Francisco, 1990
Seminary Poems, Floating Island, Point Reyes, 1991
The Mask Is the Path of the Star, Thinker Review Internatl, Louisville, 1993
Loba, [Parts 1 - 16, Books I & II] Penguin, New York, 1998
Dinners and Nightmares [expanded edition], Last Gasp, 1998
Recollections of My Life as a Woman: The New York Years, Viking, NY 2001
Fun with Forms [ltd. ed.] Eidolon Editions, San Francisco, 2001
Towers Down (with Clive Matson) Eidolon Editions, San Francisco, 2002
The Ones I Used to Laugh With, Habenicht Press, San Francisco 2003
TimeBomb, Eidolon Editions, San Francisco, 2006